Build a Strong Family Business Culture - Post Your Purpose/Mission


What is your organization’s true purpose/mission?

Do you post your purpose/mission?

Without a fundamental purpose/mission, organizations cannot effectively steer efforts in any specific direction. This is especially important in family businesses. Both employees and family stake holders need a reason to serve, shared goals, a common cause and focus. They need to know what their organization stands for so they can embrace its stance. This is the foundation of a strong culture and can bring together the team as the vision of purpose/mission take hold.

As John Coleman wrote in HBR, there are Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture with my biblical thoughts added

1.      A unifying vision or mission that fashions one’s purpose and plans (Without vision the people parish …. Proverbs 29:18b)

2.      A code of values that influences behavior and mindsets( (All scripture is ….profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training – 2 Tim 3:16)

3.     Practices that support and enhance people (encourage one another and build one another up – 1 Thes 5:11)

4.      A recruiting process that matches people to the desired culture (Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement – John 7:24)

5.      A celebrated heritage that tells the company’s story and what it stands for

(So then, stand firm and hold to traditions that you were taught – 2 Thes 2:15b)

6.      A beneficial working environment to optimize synergy

( look not only to his own interests, but also the interests of others – Phil 2:4b)

Leaders are charged with creating a vision of the company’s future. They’re required to disseminate and promote it so others can fall in line. Purpose or mission statements are noble callings to serve, respond to and meet the public’s needs.

Your mission is what you do day by day. Remember Tom Cruise – “Your mission….” Your vision is the long term result of succeeding at your mission over a time span of 3-5 years!

A purpose/mission can tell a story, hinge on a legacy or chase a dream. Each unites people as they endeavor to achieve something together. Culture is enhanced by accomplishing something that’s possible only when everyone shares the same purpose. When this happens in a Family Business there is a calming and energizing experience that impacts the enterprise.

But here’s the thing: effective leaders know that hitting people over the head with mission statements causes more harm than good. In the organizations where I consult, I see people respond best to small, frequent, unobtrusive reminders of their purpose. Offer frequent encouragement and feedback.

When this topic comes up with my coaching clients, ( we discuss the importance of honing vital skills to:

·       Clearly state individual and collective priorities. People want to know what’s expected of them. Often, we have these conversations inside and never get them outside! It is important when you do have the conversation you are prepared and effective – thus coaching!

·       Overstate priorities to ensure everyone is in sync. There’s no need to be forceful or indignant. Aim for supportive, motivational, and specific!

·       Provide high-feedback training. This allows people to fail and find ways to improve. Culture blooms when people are empowered to learn and grow. Be sure to celebrate small victories.

What do you think? Are you building a strong culture?  I can help by sharing ideas and experiences. You can reach me here at and on LinkedIn

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We can encourage one another. My work focuses on Family Enterprises where the family roles and enterprise roles have created chaos. My work helps navigate towards family peace and business performance. Perhaps you could benefit or one of my clients could benefit from your expertise.

Many of my clients have no family complexity yet are working on Mission, Vision, Values and execution and recognize finding a safe place to think is valuable.

I do have a FREE RESOURCE – How to identify your Core Values! Click Here

Let’s connect for a quick call to see if we might help one another at Marc’s Calendar