Inside Out - Pillar #2 for Your Best Life NOW

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Last week I offered the power of the “Do-Over” for your consideration as a personal development tool. The “Do-Over” is Pillar One for relationship building. It is a foundation for your peace and joy as you navigate the work you do and the lives we lead. The “Do-Over” is one pillar of four that I use in coaching and working with leaders across the country. Here is a link back to that blog about “The Do-Over” if you missed it. (Do-Over Blog)

As a reminder The 4 Pillars for “Your Best Life Now” are:

1)      The Do-Over

2)      Inside Out

3)      The Hero

4)      No or Let Go

In this blog I will take-a-look at “Inside Out” which is pillar #2. Inside Out is a self-awareness tool that can pave a pathway towards calm in the midst chaos. The feeling of chaos has turbulence and momentum which is often very unsettling. There is a serious feeling of lack of control. Understanding that in reality we have little or no control in life is little help when that is the current situation. (Though certainly true that we do not have control. We will explore “To Control or Surrender Control – that is the Question” another day.)

The core of “Inside – Out” resides in the concept you may have heard about - that “people don’t really have ideas but rather ideas have people.” Is there an idea that has you?  

Is there a problem?

Is there an opportunity?

Is there a person? A threat? A fear? A “should” or a “should not”?

Is there something that you cannot stop thinking about!

Capture that thought and think about how you can move that from the “Inside – Out!”

There is something powerful that happens when your thinking comes out. When it is inside to has power. It builds upon itself. It terrorizes. It consumes. It belittles.

Inside -Out leaders understand the risk of inside thinking and find ways to shrink the idea. Ways to reduce its power. It is like taking away its oxygen when you get that though to the outside.

You might start by just speaking it out loud to yourself. You might shout it out to the world.

Now you can move towards the best solution, taking the thought it to a friend a confidant or perhaps a personal board of advisors.

This brings-to-mind the reality that you must be careful with whom you share. Understanding the reality and need for different people with whom to share different ideas. This takes work and pays huge dividends. Start by aiming for three. Three people whom you know, like and trust that you can share your thinking. Describe your goal. “I need a sounding board to share what I am thinking. Might you be open to that idea?”

In my experience people always say yes and feel honored and privileged to be asked.

You are about to move towards your best life ever! You have built an important bridge. You have made possible deep connection to others and created a tool that can turn torture into possibilities. As you share what you are thinking you will build more meaningful relationships because the topic has impact and has challenged your inner person rather than having a conversation that often defaults to weather and wine. Most importantly you have freed your mind by moving the thought from inside to our from slavery of the unknown to the freedom of creativity and decision making.

Make “Inside – Out” a part of your life. Ask THREE to be available! Schedule time minimally once a month and share what you are thinking and step into freedom. The freedom towards Your Best Life NOW by using the “Inside-Out” tool.

What do you think? Might you try a “Inside-Out?”  

If you would like to connect you can reach me at and on LinkedIn

Let’s connect and encourage one another sometime soon.

My work focuses on one to one coaching and group coaching. I specialize in Family Enterprises where the family roles and enterprise roles have created chaos. My work helps navigate towards family peace and business performance. Perhaps you could benefit or one of my clients could benefit from your expertise.

Let’s connect for a quick call to see if we might help one another at Marc’s Calendar