Heavenly Father,

Lord you are the light of the world, your holiness radiates through your people as we carry forward your message of freedom.

Lord today I am thinking about the finances in my business and my life. I confess I spend a lot of time thinking about finances but these are crazy times!

Lord anchor me in the truth that you are my provider, that you are the provider for the company and everything including my finances.

Sometimes I tilt into scarcity thinking, that I need more, that I have to protect everything, because there will be no more coming.

More Savings, More Profits. Safety mean – HIDING!

I even find myself considering the manipulation of expenses and moving against others. These ideas I know are not right. Lord remove these temptations from me. I rebuke those thoughts in the name of Jesus.

You know Lord what I need. You know me. Keep me anchored. Keep me dependent on You. You are the source of all. Not my allusion of control. I do not have control. I do not want control. I want You to take control. You have control. Release me from my stinkin’ thinkin’. Help me to rest in You.

You have me, You have my company, You have my family, You have my finances.

Help me to step into Your Yoke that makes everything easy, even finances.

You are the most gracious and loving Jesus.

Thanks for always providing a better way.

In the name of Jesus, I pray.
